Over Space Game

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Forearm pass within a game

Teaching Points
  • Communication within teammates
  • Anticipate opponents actions
  • Return to base position
  • Use of space both attacking and defending
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Forearm pass
  • Arms form platform
  • Use legs to generate force, not arms
  • Square to target
  • Lateral, front and back movements
  • Accurate pass to target/setter


Diagram 2

Over Space Game


Organizational Points
  • Put students into threes
  • Each group on a short, narrow court
  • Rule 1- First contact must be a forearm pass
  • Rule 2- No attacking
  • Rule 3- 2 points for good pass to the setter
  • Rotate after each rally
  • Take away bounce
  • Add a point system, whoever gets three points first must increase the size of their court then restart the game

       Q.  How do you move the ball in volleyball?
       A.  Use the forearm pass.

       Q.  How do you get the ball where you want it to be?
       A.  Square to the target.

       Q.  How do you know where your opponent is passing to?
       A.  By seeing where they are squared to.